

Author: Tom Kent

About the Author

Tom Kent

I was born in Virginia Beach, raised in Westfield, NJ, went to college at Penn State, moved to Miami, FL. Peruvian on mom's side and English on my Dad's. I'm a Journalism major and Political Science minor. I do not currently own any reptiles.

UPUA Back For Spring Semester

It's the first week of spring semester and the UPUA is officially back in session. Last night, President Gavin Keirans welcomed everyone back by updating the assembly on what he and others have been working on recently.

After what were probably fantastic and fun-filled negotiations, the UPUA and CATA came to an agreement to extend the White Loop until 4:30 am on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. Additionally, two "ambassadors" from student organizations including the UPUA will be available during the extended hours to act as a sort of liaison between CATA and the UPUA.

Sestak Calls Out Specter

Rep. Joe Sestak Tuesday called for six debates between him and his democratic incumbent rival, Sen. Arlen Specter, preceding the upcoming democratic primaries. Sestak is scheduled to visit Penn State tomorrow and meet with the College Democrats and even hopes for PSU to host one of the proposed debates.

You may remember Specter as the Republican who turned Democrat last year after nearly four decades of GOP support. You may not remember Sestak. That's probably why he has proposed for a debate in each of Pennsylvania's six media markets. So far, Specter's people are suggesting that Specter will stick to one debate as he has done in the past primary elections.

Sestak has been on the attack against Specter over his voting record while he was a senator playing for the Republican side, especially the more controversial votes during the Bush Administration years.

In addition to his meeting with the College Democrats, Sestak will be speaking at the HUB at 7 PM tomorrow. Go check it out to see what's up!

UPUA Dares To Do The Unthinkable – Get Something Done

UPUA President Gavin Keirans had announced last month that the assembly was readying to implement a plan for overhauling the UPUA and student government. The termed 90-day plan is comprised of plans submitted from each committee within the UPUA that would seek to establish a stringent set of goals and objectives to be accomplished each […]

Council Postpones Nuisance Gathering Ordinance Vote

Last night, the State College Borough Council decided that the decision on the Nuisance Gathering Ordinance (NGO), which had previously been scheduled for the evening’s agenda, would be postponed until February 2010. The decision to postpone the meeting came about in light of new information received today by the Council in a letter from the […]

White Loop for Night Owls in the Works

The UPUA has announced tentative plans to extend White Loop service after-hours to make stops after its original 2:30 a.m. cutting off point on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. They hope that the new plan, if implemented, will provide valuable service to those in need of safe transport on-campus and throughout town late at night. The […]

“Heart of the Lion” Film To Air Tonight

Tonight at 8pm, WPSU will air its new film “Heart of the Lion,” that details the history and legend of the Nittany Lion mascot since its inception in 1939. The film, which will also air repeatedly on WPSU in the months to come (check your local TV listings), is meant to demonstrate the skill, determination, […]

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